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Yuriy Aksenov lives and works in Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine. In 2007 hestarts smoking pipe and it after his pipe has a fall four storey he tries createown pipes.

It starts with the heather purchased on auction sites, a drill, files and sandpaper.At the same time, he enrolled on forums, password photos of his pipes, and to his surprise, he received offers to purchase.

Gradually, he acquired a lathe, a bandsaw ... It provides briar to Spain, Jaumeat Home, in Algeria, at Briar Yazid. Then finds bamboo and Horn beef homeMindong, China and ebonite Germany.

He admires the work of Heeschen, Chonowitsch, Eltang, Lars Ivarsson, theDanish masters.

The creation is a hobby, it can only produce two or three pipes a month, unableto work in the evening and on weekends. But gradually, with discretion, his pipes are smoked in Ukraine of course, but also in Russia, Moldova, Austria,Israel and the United States.

He regrets not being able to blast, rustic style and offers the Dremel.

Visitor's notice

by Joao Farinha
Regarding the Financial Facts : "The therapy lasts 24 weeks, one injection per week. One injection costs approximately 320USD. " ...so, for the 24 week Yuriy Aksenov will need 7.680 USD. That's a fact.
This is a good thing ....to think about ..to reflect.
The Cause is the Cause...Well..all the best to all.



Ukrainian Power!!! Like brothers in sandpapers..

21/09/2011 01:32
Valeriy Shevchenko Gallery of works: https://picasaweb.google.com/101322818648148678527 "This week Yuri directly receives money for this pipe, along with some donation from the buyer"  


08/09/2011 03:19
  www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110740529987 www.chhedapipes.com/  

Fly Fishing Pipes..

07/09/2011 12:27
A large fish sold in 200 reasons to help .. https://raddavispipes.com/   Finish: BLACK BLAST Size: 1 5/8 X 4 3/4 Bowl: 3/4 X 1 3/8 Weight: 22...

Meet of Touriñán..

04/09/2011 19:52
Fer, I will send Euros 100 for this brother.. Smoking, drinking and running the prairies Health Javé  

All is help...

04/09/2011 19:38
Just sent some $$$ by Pay Pal. Wish I could do more. Craig Wood

Stanwell Nr11

04/09/2011 19:33
Today I sent 120,- Euro to the behalf of Yuriy on the Paypal account mentioned below. I hope that helps a little bit for his recovering. From brother to brother and with cordial greetings to Yuriy...Thomas Bazant  

Asking for help

04/09/2011 08:44
Dear friends, colleagues, I'm forced to ask for your help. 1,5 months ago I found out that I have a hepatic cancer with spine metastasis and hepаtitis C. I went through two surgeries. First the spine was cured, there was a titanium umplant installed and a hernia was excised. In 10 days there...

Просьба о помощи

04/09/2011 05:36
Друзья! Вынужден обратится к вам за помощью. Полтора месяца назад я узнал, что у меня рак печени с метастазом в позвоночник и гепатит С. Мне сделали две операции. Сначала удалили часть позвонка и вставили титановый имплантант. Через 10 дней вторая операция, удалили опухоль печени. Сейчас я...

Like a wolf..

01/09/2011 18:42
Hi, Fernando! Many eat, appetite like a wolf ... Yuriy Aksenov

Una bella donazione ..

30/08/2011 06:10
Vincenzo De Gregorio Credo che non possiamo perdere tempo..............!!!!! gli mando 320 $ settimana prossima.
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